Friday, August 12, 2011

Give me the name of some modernist theorists?

Theodor Adorno and believe it or not Christopher Columbus; he challenged the theory of a "Flat Earth"

Guys help me out, why does he want to have sex with me, seriously?

It is quite likely he wants to have sex with you because he finds you are attractive and an exciting woman. It is also possible that you are the most important woman in his life and the other women he has dated have never meant this much to him. Or it is the conjunction of the stars and planets. Who the hell knows. He wants to have sex with you. If you want to have sex with him, go for it. If you are wondering if this is the romance of your life and you have concerns about going too far too fast, that's something else again. If he is really special for you, tell him so and ask him this question.

Are Sky overseas reporters forbidden from wearing sun glasses?

Look at Alex Crawford & Jeremy Thompson for example, you can hardly see their eyes they have been reduced to slits due to the strong sunlight. A good case for compensation I would think. Keep an eye on how often others report while standing in pouring rain or driving snow....WHY!

Why Are NBA Games So Close?

Ok first it's the NBA playoffs which means only the best teams are left (for the most part) this is not street ball which 1 player could just dominate the whole thing. In the finals it's two of the best teams facing, of course it won't be 125 to 68.

How do I become a bodybuilder and if I do can I still be a high school baseball player?

How do I become a weightlifter I'm 15 6' and about 208 maybe more idk but my bench is 220 squat well it sucks because of knee problems but I still want to play baseball so here's my upper body workout bench Press 10-8-7-6-5-3-2 105-135-145-155-165-175-185 the close Bench at 115 3 set of 8 then military press 70 lbs then tricep pull down 112,113,114 then lat pull downs front (80-90-100) back (70-80-90) then flat flys with 40's and dumbbell curls 35's and finally preacher curls 25lbs and on legs days it's squat 3 sets of 10 at 145 and then leg extensions 70-80-90 3 sets of 12 hold for 2 seconds then calf raises 5 sets of 20 and finally deadlift 145 3 sets of 10 I take Amino acid stuff on upper body days in the morning because it gives me energy that's 3 scoops then after my workout I take gold standard 100% whey protein then another scoop of whey at night then on leg days I take whey in the morning after a workout and before I go to bed

Why do so many Christians take a passage about dealing with sin in the Church and turn it into a "prayer of...?

You make many good points but I think you miss a point. You have to view meaning in Bible holistically. If two or more believing Christians gather together to pray correctly they DO get their prayer. Been there...done that...will do it again. BUT correct prayers are those that accord God his right to do as He wills, and correct prayers glorify God as He seeks to be glorified. Pray for personal salvation, pray for turns of heart, pray for an increase of faith and humility and meekness- and God will accord those petitions. Pray for health, wealth, church buildings, whatever.... that is not correct prayer! The Bible only speaks the truth- it is our understanding that lacks, Si?

How many McCann conspiracy theorists do you reckon there are?

I would describe the McCanns as many things but definitely not naive. Stupid, irresponsible manipulative yes but absolutely not naive. As for the conspiracy theorists that are out there, who cares this whole story has more than run its course. Unless there is something new to report its nothing other than boring when any person pops up in the media pontificating about what happened when it is perfectly clear that nobody knows anything. Sad for Maddy but true none the less.

Name of family tv show?

What was the name of the tv show where the father was a preacher and they had a dog. I think the dog was yellow lab. The last episode that I watched was in 2009 and all I remember was one of his daughters married a guy of another religion. The show is not on anymore.

Do you think women should be preachers? if so, Why?

Why not? Priscilla and Acquilla were professors at the university and Paul learned much from them, Jesus gave us all the authority to cast out demons, and power over our enemies, so why not? Women are just as smart and smarter than some men in some cases, If she is well knowlegeable in the word of God, and she is inspired of the Holy Spirit, why not?

Have you ever heard any preacher,pastor, or priest say anything out of line about atheists.?

no, i have not. our pastor chooses Scripture and then the sermon revolves around that, or, he chooses a subject and then relates it to Scripture. i have never heard him say anything bad about atheists. i'm not sure i've ever even heard him say the word, 'atheist.' he preaches more about love, compassion, forgiveness, the Holy Spirit, sanctification, living a Godly life in this cold world, giving your heart to the Lord Jesus, etc.

CHRISTIANS ONLY: How do I respond to these comments I receive from atheists?

When I said CHRISTIANS ONLY I meant this!!!! If you are not a christian than DO NOT RESPOND!! Do I have to spell it out for you? Anyways, christians, I am a bit ashamed to say that I have never led a person to Christ. I am being honest and I feel like a failure. I do have faith however and I believe that in time these atheists will realize that I am in fact correct. I have been wanting to be a preacher for quite some time though I do not feel as if I have been at all effective. Do I require more faith or just patience? Sometimes it seems like God is not listening and I know that this is not true for I have read the bible. What do I say and how do I say it? Please help me for I would like to belileve that the lord has a purpose for me.

If 9/11 Was An Inside Job, How Come No One Has Ratted Them Out Yet?

I'm a conspiracy theorist to an extent, like i believe somethings happened that day that just don't add up... (Building 7, The Pentagon,etc) ... But i always thought like if it was an inside job and all how come one of the people that was in on it didn't rat them out or anything get leaked or whatever...

How do you know whether it is a good angel or the Holy Spirit speaking to you?

I already know what a bad angel sounds like. They communicate through atheists, agnostics, new age channelers, the mormons, the watch tower, the pope, mohammed, jews, pentecostal preachers, the occult, humanists, evolutionists, and the like.

Do you want to hear a little story? I swear, I'm not making it up?

My team and I found Bigfoot in the woods last week! He was unarmed but he lunged at us so we had to shoot him in the head. We dumped the body in the ocean immediately because we didn't want people gathering around to see it. We took pictures of the Bigfoot first, but they're very graphic so we're not going to release them cause they will upset people. I can't reveal the identity of myself or my team because we must remain secret. You don't have to take my word for it though, because we have DNA samples proving it was Bigfoot. We can't release these samples for security reasons, but they're real. We wouldn't make this up. Anybody who doesn't believe me is a fringe conspiracy theorist and is anti American.

How can critical theorists be dangerous for teachers and students?

They might get them to question what they take for granted. This can only lead to ultimate happiness...

A question about hypocrisy in Christianity today?

My opinion: you are totally correct that most churches do not follow the teachings of Jesus; they soften it up. If you hold the beliefs you hold, you'd probably be in the most similar company in a fundamentalist baptist church, or pentacostal.

Are these song lyrics good?

First off I would not ever.listen to it its to hard even to hard for rock tone it down a bit and it will be perfect .

Another odd dream of mine?

Pick out the important one-word details (such as "meteorite", and "hide", for examples) and look them up on

Evangelist preacher or Evangelist pastor?

I haven't seen these movies, so I'm guessing....Evangelist preacher....My Grandpoppy was a fire and brimstone preacher....

Can a metaphorical theist become freemasons?

I dont want answers from conspiracy theorists telling me not to join freemasonry because its the illuminati brain washing me or hear sermons from Christians telling me that they are devil worshipers. you people really should study freemasonry before you spread ur ignorant prejudice judgements on the internet. I believe in God as a metaphore of love truth justice wisdom and other virtues. I worship and pray to a God but I beleive he only exists in my mind as subjectively real but not objectively. one of my spiritual practices involve visualizing this Deity merging with me and distributing his qualities inside me so that I may project them in the world and in my community. I beleive the universe or multiverse was generated by a cosmic organism we live inside if I call this organism God than I guess I would be a panendeist I also believe in a higher power but I do not know whether he or she or it is a being a substance a supernatural dimension or a divine essence or nature but I believe it exists I believe in karma reincarnation and the moral truths of all the holy scriptures of each religion and I practice buddhism. can I become a mason based on what I believe in. if u are not a mason or dont know any masons or what masonry is or if you are an anti-mason conspiracy theorist or christian fundamrntalist please dont answer me I want to hear from people that can actually answer my question not your bias opinions

What do you people think of this article...?

Its certainly an emotional article. It depends from which side of the argument you want to go for. It has many points to persuade you to think that health is more important. The article also informs you a lot so my personal opinion would be that who ever wrote this is right and money shouldn't be more significant. What companies want is different to what humanity needs. The article is right.

Please review our baby names list! We're expecting our second child. Please help us?

Wooohaoww, do you realise the kind of abuse he/she is going to get at school with any of those names?

Do you really think Osama is dead?

If they lied about it, and we found out that osama bin laden is still running around, we would never trust our government again.

What's wrong in being a conspiracy theorist?

if someone refuses to believe what others think is 100% truth, then what's the problem in that? After all not everyone thinks the same exact way. There are always those who will disagree. Some people cannot be satisfied with what is presented so that's why convincing these people requires hard evidence. Instead of presenting hard evidence you just get away by saying "you are a conspiracy theorist".

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Yes I would say he is dead, but whether he died last Monday, in the way we are told, is something we will never know. But he is dead thats the main thing

1980's miniseries. I believe it took place in Texas. Three male friends raped a girl and left her for dead. O?

One of the guys was a football player that turned out to be gay, another turned out to be a preacher. In the end the girl came back to seek revenge.

I don`t understand the lyrics of that song,could you explain to me what refersplease?10 POINTS BEST ANSWER?

Sounds to me like an old girlfriend came to him looking for help, and he let her come in because of the conditions outside, but only for one night. He wanted to let her know that the only reason she can come in is so she won't get sick, nothing else. No reconciliation, no friendship, no nothing. In the morning she has to leave and go her own way.

How come Preachers and Pastors all need to refer to the bible when you ask them a verse? Shouldn't they rememb?

Because that is what it is there for. Not everyone can always remember a verse word for word. Knowing a verse word for word and the book chapter and verse does not make someone a good Christian. It is what you do with the word of God that makes you a real follower of Christ.


Really doesn't matter if bin ladin is dead or alive. The hate for American foreign policy is held in far too many hearts.

HAARP? Are we heading for a weather war?

HAARP is not responsible for any climate changes. The US government is not responsible or involved in the attactes of 9-11

Who exactly are the Rothschilds?

Do they really own the FED and other countries' central banks like some conspiracy theorists claim? Do they actually have power over government or is it just a load of conspiracies?

Do you ever think of someone ..... And wonder how's their life?

Ok here's my story. (I'll try to make it quick) I met a girl a long time ago... The last time I saw her was 3 years ago. We had a relationship for a while but I messed it up and she walked away. I tried to get her back ( back unfortunately I was really depressed and heart broken that I said and did things that now I regret) I just wish I could take back some actions but ok it's in the past. The thing is I believe she at the end saw me as some loser who couldn't get over a girl who he never really dated for that long. It was my first true love. We would walk the streets together hand in hand at night watching the stars. I finally got over her ... It's been three years and I don't think about her too much. But tonight I'm thinking about her. I feel like I will never forget her and of course I wont but what I'm trying to ask you people is this.... IS THERE SOMEONE you have not forgotten? In my case I never got to say goodbye to her... I never got to hug her and tell her goodbye ... Whenever I watch the sky at night sometimes I wisper "I wish the best for you... Whereever you are" . I know I probably sound gay lol and loser . Please answer and tell me your story. I'd like to know what made that relationship so special and how often you think of that person.... Do you ever see him /her ? What would you change if you could go back ? Do you even wanna go back ? Thanks :D

Why do many Christians on R&S think that the Big Bang Theory teaches that "everything came from nothing"?

Where did this "explanation" of the Big Bang Theory originate? Was it a particular preacher/author?

Do you like the poem I wrote?????

I tried to read this, but I couldn't...I've heard to many love poems and they all start to sound the same. Next time you write a poem, pick a more esoteric topic!

I'm not a conspiracy theorist..........?

When politicians or anyone with a lot of things going on at once say something out off context it raises conspiracies,Bush talked about watching the planes hitting the first tower before going into the classroom which was impossible,this was asked 11 years after it happened and he misspoke or he was talking about 1 of the planes hitting while at a classroom years after 9/11,and then again,video editing can make people say whatever the editor wants them to say.

Another odd dream of mine?

Pick out the important one-word details (such as "meteorite", and "hide", for examples) and look them up on

Do Jewish people blame any specific group or groups for the Holocaust?

I read one preacher who was born Jewish, and he said Catholics orchestrated the Holocaust. Do any other Jewish people regard any other groups as responsible?

How should I go about convincing the world that only a small cult believes the silly 5/21?

I think since there are only a few days left you let them be on their own and then when 5/21 passes, ask them (Even though they knew for absolute fact that the world was going to end then. Could their sources what ever they were have been mistaken?) The Christians of course will tell you they simply misinterpreted the bible and then go merrily on their way till Dec. 21, 2012 and then go through it all again. It must be such a grand feeling that no matter what the bible says it is always 100% accurate

Alex Jones: Said the US Military are Friends with Terrorist?

The CIA did train the Taliban so that they could fight the Soviets in the eighties. That and the US sells munitions to Iran who in turn sells them to Islamist extremists. Its not even a conspiracy as its commonly available published information. Politicians have their bank accounts in mind, not your well being...

Why are Christians such hypocrites?

I mean they say only have married sex, yet we have all these preachers and the young boys! And Im positive Brother John and little Timmy were not married

Alex Jones: Said the US Military are Friends with Terrorist?

In the 1980s the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan to assist the communist revolution that had started there and was facing a lot of internal opposition. Many foreign muslims, including Osama bin Laden, entered Afghanistan to fight against the atheist Soviets/Afghan communists. They called themselves the "mujahideen"- which translates to jihadists, or more loosely- holy warriors. Since America was in the middle of a global anti-communist war, the Cold War, the CIA armed the mujahideen since we were both fighting the same enemy. The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 and the USSR collapsed later that year, after losing the common enemy, our interests and that of the mujahideen began to diverge and we stopped being "friends."

Should I really consider these girls my friends and which ones would you say should I still be friends with?

I guess number 2, but I couldn't stand a person who only talks about themselves maybe it's time to find a new crowd, a new friend.

Do conspiracy theorists have a point or are they nuts?

it depends on what you choose to believe. if you want to believe the same people lets face it they have been lying to you, or do you choose people who are not afraid to make their opinion heard.

"When Prophecy Fails" how do you feel?

With many predicting the end of the world on May 21st. Now that were still here, aren't you ashamed of conspiracy theorists amongst still think Bush ordered 911....ha ha ha ha Amazing!

Fish picking on each other?

I'd put him back in, if he doesn't calm down then I would keep a good watch. If the platy seems injured then get rid of the aggressive fish and keep experimenting on different tank mates.

"Prophecies" about 2012?

Firstly, I do *NOT* believe this fear mongering hype. I am, however, curious as to the coincidence that different cultures and people that had no contact with each other prophesied that same date - 2012. These claimed sources include Nostradmus, the Freemasons, I Chang, the Mayans, and a few others I believe. Is there some kind of explanation to this? Did these groups and cultures in fact not predict the world to end in 2012 but rather theorists speculate they did because of the hype?

New dog in the house wants to kill my cat?

The economy hit my uncle pretty hard and that put he and his insane psychotic siberian husky in our house. She has dominance issues over everything in the household except for me because I'm the only one brave enough to push her onto her side when she snaps at me. She is almost 12 with as much energy as a puppy and we live in Florida so she can't be outside for long in 100 degrees weather with a winter coat. At first I just kept my cat in my room, but I feel bad now. It's been months now, and she won't even come out of my room. There have been a few incidents where they got into it and the other day I put sky in a room so my cat could come out and when I brought her out she sat at my bedroom door and wailed and rolled around like a child throwing a temper tantrum. There are 3 other dogs in the house that are fine with her, it's just this dog. My cat seems to be going insane, chasing invisible things and meowing excessively. What do I do?

Is it bad that everything outside looks orange?

Looking outside, it appears that everything seems to have an orange tint to it. I've heard that orange skies can mean bad weather. However, a rather big storm just went through the area, and the doppler radar shows another storm quite south of us. It is currently 9:30pm in northern Indiana. Is there a reason that this is going on?

Do churches keep statistics on which scare tactics work best, like burning in Hell, eternal punishment, excom-?

munication, banishment from Sunday school, being singled out by the preacher for a particular kind of sin, being shamed into puting more money in the plate? Which tactics get more people to turn Christian, and which tactics turn people off?

Will i go to hell to cursing at my preacher?

He was being a INSERT EXPLICIT OF YOUR CHOICE. Just because he reads the bible and tells people what to think about it, does not make him wise or great or important. Feel no worse than you would feel if you told any normal person the same thing. As for him... I say that he sounds like a @#$*ing racist and an ignorant jacka**.

Why are they shooting fireworks now?

there were lots of fireworks in the sky yesterday, and right now they are shooting hundreds of them here. i live in grand rapids michigan

Orange sky under dark grey storm clouds. What does it mean I need to know ASAP.?

I live in Southwestern Ontario, sometimes we have tornadoes. I have seen greenish tinge to the sky but never orange. Respond soon please.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How long will a couple last if they were pushed into dating the wrong person?

I know a preachers daughter who liked me and her mom made her date the preachers son, he doesnt like her at all and the minute she saw him she forgot about me and went head over heels for him now she doesnt even talk to me when all that guy wanted was to add another girlfriend to his number of girlfriends

What type of feminist is germain greer? is she a radical feminist?

im doing a project on post feminism and while i get all the 1st 2nd and 3rd wave stuff, liberal, radical and so on, im struggling to appoint certain theorist to certain types of feminism so any help is appreciated cheers

I watched this one anime when i was a kid what is it?

a few years ago when i was up watching adult swim and this anime came on where the people lived on islands in the sky and they had powers from the sun. this one guy came out of a big blimp and blocked out the sun but could still use his powers because he said he bathed in sunlight for months at a time.he fought a women with a child beside her i believe. i had only seen that small part of the anime but i really want to watch it.

Conspiracy theorists, what do you believe was NOT a conspiracy?

You do know the Earth is flat, and we never landed on the moon. Paul McCartney is dead and Elvis lives. Bush planned the 911 attacks. And here's my favorite: David Icke has evidence that the world has been taken over by Lizard-men, disguised in human skin: a href="" rel="nofollow"

So if you want to save Grandma from the death panels by eliminating Medicare what do you leave her with?

I know there are no death panels I was a hospital administrator my last two working years, but lets humor the conspiracy theorists there is nothing that could change their minds about it any way.

Does anyone else think Sarah Palin might just be a very clever IRL troll?

It's almost like she was put there to distract the Tea Party movement and make Republicans look even worse. Seriously, how come conspiracy theorists aren't going nuts over this one?

Why do nonviolence theorists believe their methods are superior to violence?

I am writing a paper on nonviolence and how the philosophy of nonviolence approaches conflict and further analysis on this philosophy. I am just looking for others' point of view to kind of open my mind to different views. There is much more I need to cover on this paper, but I wanted to trigger my mind with what others think to get started and have a side on whether nonviolence really seems to be the right method of resolving issues, locally, nationally, and worldwide.

If you a Christian but a pessimist, does that make you a lesser Christian?

Optimists say if you are sad then you do not have the joy of the Lord in your heart, they accuse you of not being close to the Lord, but then some of the most profound Christians (i.e. King David, Elijah, and even the pessimistic preacher David Wilkerson) were always full of woes, so is it true?

Why did JESUS tell us not to cause a fuss while visiting a church other than our own.?

What if the preacher is twisting the gospels ( lying ) to his congregation, for purposes only known to him & his wallet, Are we still suppose to sit & allow him to preach lies.

Why are conspiracy theorists saying bin laden isnt dead? dont they know that we always bury muslims at sea?

after we kill them? every single time it happens like this. and we have never, NEVER, shown a photo of a dead person. to do so would be distasteful. not only that, but al queda went online and said he was dead too. besides why would the government (the organization designed to PROTECT US) lie to us? they wouldnt. need more proof? feel a little foolish?

Please help me with my homework!!!?

Choose a key idea of each person and describe how you would use it in the classroom. For example, Montessori suggests the idea that children are normalized when they are in an environment that meets their developmental needs. So how would you create that environment?

Why don't many preachers talk about Satan’s Secret Society/Illuminati & how they are taking people captive?

Truth is not a knowledge. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What's the name of that song that sounds like a reggae-thon hip hop song?

I think the lyrics goes something like this...vroom vroom when u ran come along....can u guys figure it out cuz im lost...thanks! They always play it on tv.. it's kinda old now but it makes u want to dance....something like Nina Sky would sing.

HAARP, Illuminati, New World Order?

I've never been a conspiracy theorist, I consider myself very rational. That being said, I've always known that it is important to trust my instincts. For the last several years I've known that something foreboding is happening. I've seen it in people, in the media and in our governments. Now lately I look around and I can see masses of people walking around, doing their daily routines and can't help thinking that they are just sheep feeding a massive slaughterhouse. We are all ignorant of the larger picture. I've always sort of known about the Illuminati...I started to dig. Then the New World Order came up, and finally HAARP. There is something there....I need to be able to speak to someone about this. Please help.

Yard Machine tiller help with carburator?

If there is a fuel flow problem such as the filter being partially plugged or varnish in the carburetor jets you will get those symtoms. The governor probably may be doing it's job, but if it opens the throttle plate to force more fuel and air, and the fuel isn't there, the engine dies.

Am i exercising too much??

My average day of exercising includes running a minimum of 3 miles, jump rope for 10 minutes, swimming the freestyle for 30 minutes and then 10 minutes of breaststroke and backstroke, Sometimes I even run an extra mile of 1/5 mile sprints. I then workout which goes on average punching the heavy bag for 5 rounds (15 min) with 1 min breaks, then preacher curls, pull ups, chin ups, push ups, bench press, butterfly press, shoulder press, butterflys, dips, barbell curls, hammer curls, sitting rows, shoulder shrugs, lat pull downs, dumbell rows, and dumbell raises- all of this is 3 sets of 12 and this is done every alternating day , on the days i am not doing this workout i do legs and stomach, I am not going to explain it all but it includes the 3 mile run, swim, and jump rope, leg extension, leg press, leg curls, sumo squats, captains chair, stationary bike, stair master, decline crunches leg raises, planks, ---- I do the first workout on monday, wednesday, and friday, and I do the second (legs and stomach) on tuesday, thursday, and saturday. Sunday is my only off day, so tell me if you think this is way too much or just okay?!?!?!?!

My friend wants me to plant his bachelor party, what do I do?

Whenever I plant bachelor Parties I don't go through all that trouble...just a little water, and soil.

Easy to hide in book-bag bible?

i love to read the Bible, but i don't want to carry around a big old preachers bible. i have an amazing bible, but it is huge! I need something easy to read, and with the same basic dimensions of a $0.50 spiral bound notebook. i searched Google, and found nothing. any suggestions?

Is the media portraying conspiracy theorists as "unpatriotic"?

Tecnica,you should have been around long enough by now to know the media is run as a business to make a profit ? By becoming a mouth -piece for the Government and by reporting/ broadcasting any spin that is feed their way ( without first establishing all the facts ) enderes thenselves to whoever is enshrined in power and allows them access to cabinet ministers and senior public servants. Also and most importantly, the bigger the headline ( whether true or false ? ) the bigger the ciculation and profit.

Teen girls: What would your dream room be like?

The walls would be white and silver. I would have this really nice bed that is either purple or pink. The room is huge! On one side of the room is a rack of tons of earrings. On one is a rack of rings. A rack a necklaces. I would have a table of cosmetics and lotions and perfumes. I would have a special stand for my guitar. Then I would walk into a separate room with billions of clothes and shoes! Then I would have this really nice music player that is back and white. The windows would have purple (or pink) drapes. There would be this huge window on one side that would let the sun shine in! I would have chandeliers. I would love to have this room. I had a dream about it once and it was perfect!!

What is a good dish to make for someone who has had a heart attack?

The preacher at my church had a mild heart attack and so has been put on a strict diet. I don't know all the details but I do know that he is allowed no salt. The church is planning a carry in dinner this Sunday and I was wondering if anyone had a good recipe that was heart friendly, had no salt, and still tasted good. Any ideas? Thank you!

Why does every government story that's told has so many holes in it?

Every big story or detailed story they say is full of holes. One government official's account contradicts the other official's account or creates doubt. When several government officials are to speak on the same topic, holes start developing and then it becomes a mess. And then people start arguing with one another as to what is correct version and what's not. Some of the skeptics will be called conspiracy theorists while some will be even called traitors. So whose fault is it exactly?

Big Brother is watching us?

What about Sept 11, 2001? Department of Homeland Security was created and given huge amounts of power to monitor us.

Will Obama's pronouncement on Israel embolden Arab action against Israel?

Using "Arab Spring" as his premise, this is likely to provoke unrest in the area. Now terrorists and hostile countries have Obama's implied consent to "make" Israel return to the 1967 borders. Maybe this was his plan from the beginning? Kind of makes you wonder if the "Obama is Muslim" conspiracy theorists were right.

The sky was a very bright purple?

I have Never seen a sky that colour. And no this is not from the sun setting. The entire sky was purple, what does this mean? I've searched on google and got literally nothing on it. Does it have something to do with a storm or what?

Are there any occurrences of supernatural beings that look like humans?

My friend and i met a man who looked like a normal man but he was unusual, i didnt know how to explain it but when we talked to him it you could tell something was strange. We were told his name was Henry but i had a feeling that wasn't his name, and by the way im not a conspiracy theorist or anything and don't really believe in the supernatural but the whole experience was just very unusual . He didn't do any weird tricks or predict anything or disappear or anything, but it was like i said very unusual. But my friend said that people have reported people like that before and are talked to by the FBI but my question is have there been occurrences of people who appear to look like humans but appear to be strange or "different"?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is there any way to stop them?The goverment?

the whole thing boils down to good and evil. god and the government who the devil controls. live your life good and honest,dont get caught up all the comotion the world throse at you and god will protect you from most of the evil that goes on

Is it wrong to be attracted to the handsome drifter your husband brought in?

I married a preacher and I've been as faithful as they come. However, my husband, being the boring Good Samaritan, let a hunky drifter stay in our bonus room. Now, I'm crippled by attraction to this man! How can I let my husband know that his kindness is killing our marriage?

Why don't people get that medical costs are due to the pharmaceutical companies?!?

A lot of the cost comes from the "research" spending done on pharmaceutical companies but here's the fact: Pharmaceutical companies spend the majority of their profits on advertising rather than research. I don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I feel that the monopoly that is the pharmaceutical industry is what's the problem in the United States. I'm not opposed to Universal healthcare at all, but I feel that if this problem were addressed, then a lot more problems would be solved with it. For instance, prices of medication in Canada are from anywhere between 1/3 to 1/5 cheaper than prices in the United States...isn't there something wrong with this picture?

If God were to ,(let's say) appear in sky so as to be viewed by all the people of the world(6 billion or so)?

And ask them to convert to Christianity and live your life like ,ehh .. the pope (except perhaps you can marry and do some other work to raise family). Then ,what would you do? What about free will and the process of divine(or natural) selection of good people who choose to believe on their own over people who dont believe.Then is their any meaning for the concept of belief(just as there would be not be any concept of light if there weren't any darkness). Iam not sure of the audience for this question,but this has been a doubt for me for some time and i guess i expect fellow Christians and i can sort of guess the reply from atheists...

When will the Haye vs Klitschko fight be on sky sports? Not box office but just normal sky sports?

not the biggest boxing fan so not gonna pay to watch the match but just wondering if it will be on sky in a couple of weeks?

Coffee And ischemic heart disease!?

I am a CAD suspect my cardiology told me about two months ago. I just had 5 cups of coffee tonight, now i am feeling lightheaded and a bit short of breath and a little while ago i had to lay down on the bed because i kinda feel weird, felt like my heart rate sky rocketed and my heart was pounding very hard i can even hear it pounding. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! ANY DOCTORS OUT THERE?

Will Obama's pronouncement on Israel embolden Arab action against Israel?

Using "Arab Spring" as his premise, this is likely to provoke unrest in the area. Now terrorists and hostile countries have Obama's implied consent to "make" Israel return to the 1967 borders. Maybe this was his plan from the beginning? Kind of makes you wonder if the "Obama is Muslim" conspiracy theorists were right.

How can one dimensional strings and two dimensional membranes exist?

They do not exist in our universe. One and two dimensions are ways of simplifying the complexity of mathematics and thinking about world in more than 3+1 dimensions.

David Haye suffered a broken toe 3 weeks ago, wow really!?

I know right and he was so getting on his horse saying he will get all over and knock out Klitschko but since he didn't he made a pathetic excuse.

For Christians: If you tithe 10% to charities every week instead of your church, would that count?

Virtually all preachers want members to tithe 10% of their income to that church, since it benefits the church. But let's say someone still tithed 10% of their income to various charities every week instead. How would preachers feel about this? I assume they won't be thrilled someone else is getting the tithe and not them, but would that count as tithing in God's eyes? After all, you're still giving away 10% of your income....

Looking For Thrills! And Ideas!?

Im bored of everyday life. Im tired of spending my money on video games and wasting my youth. I wanna start "thrill seeking" but on a level of adventure. Things like sky diving, white water rafting, hang gliding. Any other ideas that can be done without any extensive training? Thanks!

Should I denounce Christianity?

It's your choice. I personally think it is a waste of time to tell someone what to believe. I also think that religion is just there to fill in the gaps that science has not yet found out. If you think Christianity is evil then maybe you should denounce it.

Is not happy in my marriage anymore?

I want a divorce but I am scared to go through with it as I know il be left worse off as such. I married 2 years ago because his parents said as I am pregnant we should rush the marriage. This was only 7 months before we had just started dating. Since I fell pregnant I have been paying for everything food, electric, sky, even petrol for his car sometimes. I'm not even working as I'm a carer for my son (his stepson who is 7) he is disabled. He couldn't even pay the mortgage on his apartment we had to move in with his parents but I moved out in march with the kids and my rents �900 a month, I currently training to be a teacher so I can get a job and look after the kids. But he's gone off on this big career thing with his brother and still doesnt pay anything towards his children, I'v bought everything for the apartment and everything for the children. I wanted to know if I divorce him will I get anything back as I'v lost out alot since I was with him. My name is not on the deeds of his apartment but we have been together since his mortgage got accepted. How does it work as I don't want to see my kids with nothing!

Is this poem any good?

If you wrote that i woudn't post it on the internet because someone could copy it and say they wrote it. But yeahs it good.

Huge news concerning Mideast as we speak and CNN puts this as top story?

That's so typical of the mainstream press. It's really disgusting. So much for "fair and balanced." Thanks for pointing it out!

Why do Christians try to force their religion on others?

I mean with missionaries, even though they do good work, they pay people to convert, they trick them, they divide communities, breaks families, cause tension, why can't they mind their own business, if you want to feed people, by all mean go ahead. But why do they insist that they CONVERT before feeding you. Why do they tell new converts to hate their former religion, and the religion of their parents. I was working with this lady, when she found out I wasn't Christian, she started leaving passages of the bible on my desk, and talked about how bad hell is, and how I'm going there. Is it too much to ask to mind your own business, I'm fine with who I am. I hate when street preachers scream into peoples faces, that Christ will have no mercy for non-believers. I'm fine with Christians believing in what they want, but why not let me live life alone? Can someone tell me why, so many of them do this, I don't think they are bad people, but why...?

What ever happened to critical thinking?

Please keep asking questions. This is very good and healthy. CRITICAL THINKING IS SOOOOOO FUN AND Invigorating. Keep it up. Don't worry about the knockers. Use it as a way to come back with another sound question to continue to back your question and attempt to break the ice of dead head thinking individuals. You may help the world find the answers. Share the experiences though. The thinkers are out here/there.

Can I get into California Polytechnic State University Pomona?

Your GPA (~3.0 unweighted?) is normally too low for CalPoly-Pomona, though it helps that you're Hispanic.

Christians help me with this one.?

Christians are starting to say that God is the Who and Why the universe was created and science is the how to understand it. Is this just another tactic of the people of the book trying to fit their fantasy beliefs into hard data to gain converts and keep the ones they have? If god is supernatural and can create miracles, ie. Raising of lazarus, parting a sea, pluage of frogs falling from the sky, then why does science exist? These things suppossedly happened with no scientific data to back them up. Why the different approach? One minute doing things out of thin air that cannot be explained (miracles), another leaving quantifiable data aroundto be studied and researched. Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

Do you have more questions than answers about the killing of Bin Laden?

No questions I believe the SEALS can get the job done and they did. Its over. Now we look for the other bad guys on Bins computers he gladly left us.

Whats better for weight training?

alright atm im training everyone second day doing 1 exercise per muscle example: like preacher curls for biceps then like next exercise would be tricep pushdowns. like i do 3 sets of 8 for everything but this is just an example. what im trying to find out is if it would be better to workout like almost every day but 1 day would be chest next would be arms and all that and like on arms day would be preacher curls, then concentration curls then cable curls. like that so which one would be better. thankyou for all your help

Is Dwight L. Moody's Doctrine that "God loves Sinners" the greatest "Jedi Mind-Trick" ever? What is "Love"?

God's love and human love are two different loves. We can't love like He can. He created us and then incarnated HImself to suffer and die for us. HAve you ever created something and died for it?

Question to all free masons (some unconspiracy theorist info please) ?

how do you become a freemason. over the last 24 hours i have taken an intereest in the freemasons. years ago the history channel said they spend 1 million dollars to charity (more than any other group worldwide) but ive also heard they worship the devil (which i doubt is true). stuff about the knights templar and friday the 13th. i know that many of our presidents are fouding fathers. my question is how do you become one? i figure if you as a group donate so much it has to be an honorable one. my father also wants to become a freemason and originally gave me the idea a few year ago. i cant join the freemason society at this point because of my age but would be thankful if i had a good place to read about them. thank you for reading this. how do you become a mason?

Do conspiracy theorists realize the government is far to incompetent to do a false flag mission like 9/11?

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Do you think this would change the mind of conspiracy theorists who believe bin laden wasn't killed Sunday?

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Why do the religious try to make their holy books seem meaningful?

People who write about immaterial, imaginary, invisible, improbably, all-powerful sky monkeys deserve only derision.,

Spiritually speaking I guess, is it okay for me to love my best friend over my family?

My best friend is my soul mate, and so is my sisters. There is this pull of energy we all share that makes us connected. I was raised a Christian but I view the world and God different I guess due to my gift. However Love is the greatest power. It's the soul who you are connected too. I think it is beautiful you can experience this with your best friend, no better person to understand then the person who knows who you are under your skin! We all have a purpose in life. If you feel you are born to love this person then love on and don't feel guilty about it! Just embrace it! Your family should be happy that you can love this much and how happy it makes you! Namaste...

Should I denounce Christianity?

I had been a Christian for 3 years and recently I had studied the Christian faith.The bible Christian theology the evotion of Christian theology through out history, the history of the Christian church, the history of judaism,jewish culture in biblical times,Flavius Josephus, the history of the bible,both the old testament and new testament cannon,neurotheology which is how religion affects the brain and the alleged prophecies of the bible. Needless to say I discovered that Christianity is a deception and a belief system that polutes peoples minds with dillusion. However, at the same time I also recognize that it does do a lot of good for the community and in peoples lives and it did hekp me a lot to stay out of troubke and there are Christians I do respect, love and admire and I believe people have the right to believe in what they choose to. I now prctice buddhism though I really dont consider myself a buddhist. I agree with alot of buddhist ethics and i enjoy medition. I really dont give any importance to karma or reincarnation. Buddhism teaches to show love,compssion, equanimity towards all sentient beings and I agree with that but I have an internal tension against Christianity. I seriously believe that I can be a great opponent towards the expansion of this faith but dont know if it would be worth it to make myself an enemy of this religion. Christianity has and does continue to do a lot of evil however it also continues to inspire people to do a lot of good. I honostly believe the only reason people believe in this is because of ignorance and/or emotional attachment due to some benevolant experience in their lives. I heard a sermon the other day, a preacher was saying that the claims that Jesus made are so astronomical that one is obligated to preach them or speakout against them and denounce Jesus as a liar. But I dont know if what the gospels claim that Jesus said was what Jesus actually said, part of me wants to denounce this God dillusion n another doesnt

Dear 9/11 conspiracy theorists?

First I have to say that I'm not an Amerrican. Everybody knows that what happened in 9/11 was a fake story made by the US gtovernment to have an excuse to occupy Afghanistan and some other countries. But you shouldn't expect the Americans not to live in their country anymore just because of their government. The main thing thaey need to do is to object to their government's policies and for instance not to remain silent about crimes happening in Bahrain or people being killed in Iraq and Afghanistan or tortured in prisons like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamu. I always wonder why Americans never care about such important things happening in the world which their government is responsible for. But no problem; even Americans will become awake soon after Islamic Awakening in the midle east and European awakening in the near future....

What happens when the sky turns black ? - various amounts of colors?

so in the area that i'm in right now the sky has went from regular (blue), to yellow, orange, pink, then red & now BLACK , True Story . . . It's Kind Of Creeping Me Out. x.x" what does this mean?

Is there anything like the Sky Glider in Los Angeles?

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Why are some people so hostile toward conspiracy theorists and theories?

They are not all fringe lunatics. And I'm not talking about people who deny the moon landing. I'm talking about actual conspiracy theories that matter and are relevant to modern political life, such as the New World Order (which has been proven). Insults will be reported.


He's dead. The amateurs at the White House were tripping over each other releasing false renditions of a fairly simple operation. It's simply not politically correct to whack scum, but this was as fine as a scum whacking as has been seen lately. The White House boys messed up the reporting, but Osama's brains have been scrambled by a well placed SEAL bullet. His rotting carcass lies at the bottom of the ocean forming gas bubbles. I rather like your story, but the hog bin Laden is quite dead.

If White people were doing the things Islamic extremists are..Wouldn't Islam be branded racist?

The basis upon which terrorism and extremism is built is largely debated but it is mainly associated with Islam because it is a very small minority of muslims that make up the majority of the minority that go down this route what you have to keep in mind though is that it is not the entire religion or ethnic group that choose this path. It is mainly those in countries whose main religion is Islam where there is heavy western presence that extremism arises. One of the main causes is a dislike of what they view as the gradual imposition of western culture in these countries whose traditional Islamic values are quite different in effect what they are arguing they are fighting against is a modern type of colonialism but there are much more complicated dynamics in the rise and persistence of extremism but if the western-islamic culture clash is the main reason then you are right if the roles were reversed white people would be called racists. If the west starts to put such labels on extremists it would not be conducive to any favourable result it would simply further inflame the situation don't you think because there is a largely accepted belief whether it be an ideology to legitimise such violence or the truth that this is built on achieving peace through Islamic principles and values, don't quote me on this because I am not an expert, which would be against such things as racism. Comparing the death tolls of atrocities committed through history on the basis of tit for tat comparatively between races is really quite vulgar by the way.

Teen girls: What would your dream room be like?

The walls would be white and silver. I would have this really nice bed that is either purple or pink. The room is huge! On one side of the room is a rack of tons of earrings. On one is a rack of rings. A rack a necklaces. I would have a table of cosmetics and lotions and perfumes. I would have a special stand for my guitar. Then I would walk into a separate room with billions of clothes and shoes! Then I would have this really nice music player that is back and white. The windows would have purple (or pink) drapes. There would be this huge window on one side that would let the sun shine in! I would have chandeliers. I would love to have this room. I had a dream about it once and it was perfect!!

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Monday, August 8, 2011

Have any of the NWO conspiracy theorists out there actually read the works of the "conspirators"?

I.e., Carroll Quigley, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bertrand Russell, H.G. Wells, etc? It's funny that for a group that claims to be "awake" that probably 99% of you haven't even read "Tragedy and Hope," which is a source for many of your half-baked theories (a book that is greatly misunderstood by fringe conspiracy theorists like Glen Beck)

What secrets do you think the government are hiding from us?

Now im not a conspiracy theorist and i don't believe in little green men but you only have to look through history to see that the government have always hidden information from us. For example in the the late 50's the British government built a 35 acre subterranean city with 60 miles of roads, a hospital,kitchens,canteens,offices,studi… and even a lake, plus room to accommodate up to 4000 people yet no one even knew it existed until 30 years later. Makes you think if they managed to hide something on this scale from us for 30 years what could they be hiding from us right now?

Is it getting weird when conspiracy theorists are right about things?

No, they never freak me out. There are millions of conspiracy theorists on the globe right now with billions of conspiracies. Odds are, someone, somewhere is going to be right sometime.

I want to get a tattoo in my back shoulder a quote....?

I think that's pretty. Besides its your body not theirs, all that matters is that you like it. Even if you end up not liking it after a few years, it still represents you at this point in your life, like any tattoo does.

What do you think of churches that allow homosexual preachers, and ministers?

people who have active homosexual relationships, many churches in europe are allowing this. I know of one church that has two married homosexual men as ministers

Why do people always diss on the word of God?

I am talking about this category. When someone posts a question about the word of God why do alot of people talk to negatively? Why do people on here always make fun of religion? If only alot of you would understand how amazing God is. I used to call myself an atheist, but i realized that i wasnt going anywhere like that, and slowly God has changed me into happy person! My pastor said i was going to be a preacher one day and just you watch! I will rescue all you "atheists" from the darkness!

If there is a NWO, are believers saying the NWO is planning their takeover in a slow,decisive way?

Is my question clear? Does the NWO perpetrate hoaxes, then sit back while scorners predictably ridicule the conspiracy theorists, then the NWO takes another step toward realizing complete power by commencing another staged event such as the death of bin Laden?All the while those who catch on are ridiculed into silence?

The sky is yellow-orange?

We were supposed to get some sever weather, but it barely rained earlier and there was a lot of thunder and some lighting. As of right now, it's calm, a light breeze, no rain, and no thunder. However about 15 minutes ago outside was all yellow, everything had a yellow tinge. Then it went to a yellow-orange, and now it's like a pink orange. It's completely dark in the house like it would be if it was dark outside, but it's still light out, just pink/orange. What does this mean???????

Do you think the Manic Street Preachers are a good important band?

they are my favourite band of all time because there music is good and they speak the truth, unlike some bands today. Do you agree

Honest question: I am trying to understand conspiracy theorists any ideas?

Are they just being provocative? Do they really believe these theories? Is it a particular mindset? I would think it would be unsettling to see so many conspiracies. Psychologically what is going on?

Can you have a pries/bishop come to your wedding on the sims 3?

so i want my sims to have a wedding and like i know how to have a wedding party and stuff but can i get like a preacher or something to come to it to marry them?? if so how?? and also what other things can i do to make my wedding more fun? and how can my sims go on a honeymoon???

Cure for AIDS? What do you think?

I don't "believe" anything. That there are no cures for viral diseases is a matter of scientific fact, and no herbalist or conspiracy theorist has any real evidence to the contrary.

What is the deal here, folks?

I was having this barbecue, and it was kind of like a get together for a bunch of old friends. Then, the most delicious looking bottle of barbecue sauce descended from the sky. I tasted some of it, and God appeared before me. He spoke to me, and said "Don't be fooled, mortal! I am nonexistent!", to which I replied "Then how are you speaking to me now?". "I'm not, you're high!" he said. So, my question here today is should I use propane or charcoal on my grill? Thanks ahead of time for your opinions!

How does my weight lifting routine?

Everyone being different all I can do is give pointers. Your workout looks good. I went for being ripped and cut and found that keeping the weight lower than I can max worked better for me. I'm 6ft around 175 and less than 5% body fat. For cardio I went more for individual sports like cycling, handball, tennis... Seemed to get better results. Leaner muscle mass proved to be good as I got older, lower weights and more reps is easier to maintain after injuries. Looks like you got a good plan. Go with more dumbells and you'll see a more symetrical build.

Are the people who are not conspiracy theorists mentally insane?

I honestly believe its perfectly natural and right to question anything and everything and I am wondering, could all the people who are NOT conspiracy theorists be mentally ill or have some sort of problem where they have simple accepted their slavery in a capitalist society?

Are "9/11 Truthers" & "Apollo never reached the moon!" conspiracy theorists more likely to have particular....?

Conspiracy belief in and of itself has religious overtones to it and serves similar psychological needs to the believer.

What do you think of my thoughts on bin laden...?

True, and I hope Limbaugh doesn't get a hold of this because if he does, his followers will repeat it ad nauseum until Obama produces bin Laden's corpse, with 3 long-form death certificates.

Christians help me with this one.?

Christians are starting to say that God is the Who and Why the universe was created and science is the how to understand it. Is this just another tactic of the people of the book trying to fit their fantasy beliefs into hard data to gain converts and keep the ones they have? If god is supernatural and can create miracles, ie. Raising of lazarus, parting a sea, pluage of frogs falling from the sky, then why does science exist? These things suppossedly happened with no scientific data to back them up. Why the different approach? One minute doing things out of thin air that cannot be explained (miracles), another leaving quantifiable data aroundto be studied and researched. Which is it? You can't have it both ways.

Issue with bf ex gf, she is crazy wondering if she will harm the kids?

now some of what she get mad about i can understand, but here what been going on if he don't come to visit she get really pissed and starts on everyone in his life, i told her it was not my fault if we don't come up to get the kids and she says she knows this but last time we did not come when he said he would she called me names his mom names and his other daughter names and she is only 15 yrs old, a preacher molested her and she said it was her fault she was a ho, and yes she wants him back, she told him this, she kicked him out 9yrs ago on xmas and newyears eve moved a man in and she could not even speak his language she had to learn it, she has told my bf she was having him watched so that was one reason we move 130 miles away from her, now because of how she is acting he is worried as well as his family that she may hurt the kids, if he don't pick up the phone she will call 30 times or more in a day if he answers a text she will text just as much as she will call, cussing every one out, 3 times i said i would not go to pick those kids up and then a few months later i did take him to get them he can not drive, his parents have already said they would wait until those kids are 18 to see them, if he call the kids he must talk with her first and then after wards she will put the kids on put on speaker phone only, do you think she is capable of harming those kids, and yes i know it is not my place and by not going to pick them up it take me out of it at least i hope so,

Why is the Conservative South so racist & bigoted?

I really had no idea until Obama got in office and they just 'turned" and started acting horrible and racist. I'll say one thing he really got them stirred up. Before it was the poor minority and the racist other people but now we know different, they are just as racist if not worse and it is just terrible and stupid.

Are Your Cats Old Enough To Learn About Jesus?

God has way to communicate with every living thing...And every living thing will know tht Jesus is Lord

Is it possible to be smart and not an atheist?

I know that christians and jews get advanced degrees, build technology and all that. But deep down inside, is it possible to be a very intelligent person and not be an atheist? I just don't see it. I don't respect anybody's intelligence if they believe in an imaginary man in the sky. Bottom line is I believe you can't be smart unless you are an atheist. Why should somebody that believes in an imaginary invisible man over science theory be considered smart?

I paid good money to watch a injured boxer who admitted he couldn't give it his all. Anyone else feel conned?

I watched it on the internet and it was good quality and worked all the way through the 12 rounds. I'm not paying 16 or so pounds just to watch boxing when I can easily stream it on the internet.

What is the psychology behind hardcore conspiracy theorists?

Some people are just more naturally skeptical and paranoid than others. If you actually read some of the material on these conspiracy theories, i'm sure they'd persuade you too. I don't believe in them, because obviously reading from a conspiracy theory blog is incredibly biased. A lot of information is missed out which disproves them; to make you believe them.

Is it appropriate for a preacher to say these things.?

.... Ok, in Revelation, it talks about Babylon the Great (World of false religion) has fallen. This Bible prophecy has already happened which is why you and many other people are aware of their teachings. They have become naked and exposed. Things that use to be done in the dark is now coming to the light. The false dotrines, priest molesting young ones, false prophets speaking of the end of the world. All these things Jesus warned us to look out for in the Book of Matthew. Our goal as individuals, is to follow John 17:3 leaning accurate knowledge of the only true God Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ, then John 3:16 exercising our faith by following Jesus footsteps in Matthew 28:18,19 that's help other to come to an accurate understanding of the truth. Not just confusing your life story, there's other times for that but actually helping people to learn about their creator. Jehovah God has set up a beautiful arragement for people to learn about Him and just as the same way Jesus did in his day. That is the door to door ministry. If you see one of Jehovah servant come to your door and you really want to know what the Bible really teach... Just talk to them, you'll be amazed at the comfort, joy and ensurance the Bible has. Do it and see.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Im not a conspiracist but apollo 17 gots me questioning?

i was watching some footage of apollo 17.. and one of the astranauts falls down, and somehow gets up, only using his toes..... you can look it up for yourself... but he gets up only using his feet... and that gots me somewhat questining... now i am no way a conspiracy theorist.. but you got to question sometimes

U.F.O.s over Jeruselem? or were they a cruel hoax?

The Jewish Historian Josephus records that when the mighty Roman Legions were besieging Judea, Chariots and flying soldiers were seen in the skies over Judea rushing to and fro. The Romans were unfazed and continued their campaign. Josephus tells us Jerusalem had become a cess pit of corruption and wickedness, Rome was sweeping the floors clean for a fresh beginning. But who or what were the people and objects seen in the skies over Judea? One suggestion is that they were a cruel hoax played on the Jewish people. Just as Jews had been deceived into rejecting Christ, the beings in the sky deceived them into thinking God was sending help against the Juggernaut of Rome. Trying to hold out against Roman power would bring extreme suffering on any people hold up in a Town, (it certainly did), just what the deceivers wanted? We can be be fairly sure these sky people and their chariots were real, they were widely reported (even by Romans, who shrugged them off with typical Roman tenacity of purpose). Who do you think the sky people were?

Should i go to church with my ex after he broke my heart?

We were talking for like 10 months and he started talking to other females and getting caught up in his lies i can not trust him anymore he even has a kid and might still be trying to fix his relationship with his baby's mother. thats why I stopped talking to him in a relationship type way.. now were just friends kinda .. I dont talk to him as much anymore and the last time i went to church was to bond with him and get spiritually connected with him. I now have this Sunday off and i would like to go to church but its the same one he goes to ... I dont know if i should go cuz i might feel a certain way and people keep confusing me ... I really would like to go to strengthen my relationship with god and to hear the preachers sermon. I noticed that I was giving all my love to my ex and making him my priority which was a huge mistake and now i want to fix it by making god my priority so i wont feel the way i felt when he broke my heart ever again with anyboy. what do you think I should do. Go to church with him forgive him and keep my distance and stay his friend. or should i forget about him and not talk to him again which i feel isnt christian like cuz then i wouldnt be able to go to church.

Which website did alqaeda confirm that Osama is dead?

Total, indisputable proof of your claim will be coming any day now...It will be a major, major, major accomplishment when Osama releases a video proving he's still alive. There is no possible way that won't happen. Hold your breathe, it'll be out there any day now.

Do you know about Terrorism's big dirty secret?

because (inconveniently for you conspiracy nutbars) most of America was treated to the sight of civilian aircraft hitting the Towers of the World Trade Center. pretty hard to get past that guy. If Bush brought them down with shaped charges (as you all have claimed) please explain those airplanes hitting the building? also, I SAW the surveillance video showing a very large airplane hitting the Pentagon!

I can't find this video, help?

There was a video I saw a really long time ago and it was about God's second coming. There was a narration and then at the end there was a preacher reading Revelations and then him and the believers disappeared and went to Heaven. I can't find this video and I've looked everywhere. Do you know where I can find it? Thank you so much.

Can a metaphorical theist become freemasons?

I dont want answers from conspiracy theorists telling me not to join freemasonry because its the illuminati brain washing me or hear sermons from Christians telling me that they are devil worshipers. you people really should study freemasonry before you spread ur ignorant prejudice judgements on the internet. I believe in God as a metaphore of love truth justice wisdom and other virtues. I worship and pray to a God but I beleive he only exists in my mind as subjectively real but not objectively. one of my spiritual practices involve visualizing this Deity merging with me and distributing his qualities inside me so that I may project them in the world and in my community. I beleive the universe or multiverse was generated by a cosmic organism we live inside if I call this organism God than I guess I would be a panendeist I also believe in a higher power but I do not know whether he or she or it is a being a substance a supernatural dimension or a divine essence or nature but I believe it exists I believe in karma reincarnation and the moral truths of all the holy scriptures of each religion and I practice buddhism. can I become a mason based on what I believe in. if u are not a mason or dont know any masons or what masonry is or if you are an anti-mason conspiracy theorist or christian fundamrntalist please dont answer me I want to hear from people that can actually answer my question not your bias opinions

Who sings "she thinks I hung the moon and stars over texas" This song came out in 1987-1992.?

I am not sure of the lyrics but it also says in the song that "he could buy her a mansion in the sky and she thinks I hung the moon"

What does this mean ?

So a few months ago, this couple at my church were trying to get pregnant. They had lost their first bab had many failed attempts at pregnancy after that. One Sunday, they came up front to get prayer and the preacher gave them a piece of cloth and said "you know what this is for" I was just curious as to what it meant.

Will casey anthony get the chair?

probably not. do you know why? because she's white! yes, I know it's pretty cliche to say but it's true. what about susan smith, andrea yates and mary winkler, who shot her preacher-husband in the back, then fled the state. now free! so what's that tell you? I don't have to tell you, if casey, or any of those women were black, they'd be fried in no time!! believe that!!

What is all this talk about conspiracy theorists and Ron Paul?

Its mostly because conspiracy theorists support ron paul, that doesn't make all rp supporters conspiracy theorists, its just that almost all conspiracy theorists believe in severely limiting the power of gov't

Why do liberals want to force their views on everyone ?

Hi, liberals want to "control" you and take your (money/jobs) away! They are the "socialistic" morans who took over the "democratic party" when "mr.change" took over the government! Liberalism is a "mind control" disease that has effected most of the "politicans" in our country! Yes "obama" has made a "change". For "socialism".

Will everyone be calling Obama a racist for not doing anything about the flooding of the MidWest?

Just like when everyone called Bush a racist for the New Orleans flooding. Will the conspiracy theorists come out and say it was Obama who blew up the levies and caused the flooding just like they did Bush? Or will people make excuses for Obama's tardiness just like they did for Bush?

Evolution and belief in God are one and the same?

Evolution and the belief in God are not the same. You have to believe The Word of God by FAITH only. God created Adam and Eve as adult humans. They did not evolve from some lower species of animal. All of mankind came from Adam and Eve. By faith, believe it and God will reveal it to your heart. Read Genesis 1.

Do you think Michael Moore is a communist?

That's actually probably one of the most accurate articles on Conservapedia. But no, he's just an idiot.

Since, if I don't believe the White House account of OBL's death, I'm a "conspiracy theorist," which version?

should I believe? They've given 5 or 6 completely different versions? For instance, am I a "conspiracy nut" if I believe Bin Laden was armed (they now say he wasn't), or that he wasn't armed (at first they said he was). It's hard for me to be on board with you "right thinking folks" if I don't know which version I must believe today.

Are there any Sociologist who embraced all 3 theories? If so who?

need to know if any could be viewed as an Symbolic Interactionist, Functionalist, and a Conflict Theorist, based off of their work.

How can i seduce my gf(who is like a preacher's kid nd doesn't want to lose her verginity)for having sex with ?

On coming monday i wil be alone at can i call her to my house and how can i proceed her to sex.plz suggest ways and ideas

At what point does a doubter of the official story become a 'conspiracy theorist'?

One effective way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories. One pound is equal to 3500 calories. In other words, you have to burn 3500 more calories than you take-in to lose one pound. Most adults need between 1200- 2800 calories/day-depending on body size & activity level to meet the body's energy needs.

Is my view on voting an ignorant one?

It is sad that voting is just a waste of time when you don't want either evils in power. I AM a conspiracy theorist and I agree with you 100%.

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky why does my fourth party Pokemon stop following me?

The setting his for tactics is on "Follow Me" and when I walk right next to him, or use a roll call orb, he still won't follow me (just stands there.) Is this some sort of glitch? It's really annoying, because I have to send him back to the guild all the time.

Question about the following political economic theorists?

I would suggest Alfred Marshall, his Principles of Economics was absolutely amazing addition to my library, I do not regret it. Malthus is also an interesting character, however, you will find he often changed his mind on important issues when popular opinion was not in favor of what he was advocating. But I would suggest the theorist you know the least about.

I would like to know more about Greek gods and goddesses?

First go on google/ wikipedia. And disregard some of what you know. Libraries are a good place. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, not love. And zeuz is god of the skies, and god of the gods. Get good inormation before you make a site. I as well live Greek mythology so goodluck And have fun!

Is there any news going on from St Moritz Switzerland this weekend and why do you suppose it isnt being?

People are being demonized for doubting the elites. I`m not scared of them.....and where did you get that accent ? I positively adore it .

Michael C. Ruppert "Collapse" predictions?

How accurate are Michael C. Ruppert's economic predictions have been since his documentary "Collapse" in 2009? Is he just another conspiracy theorist or has he been quite right all along? I cannot find legit resources on the internet to explain my questions. The only information I discovered were mostly blog sites and youtube. Can anyone give me a good informative website about Michael Ruppert's economic predictions that is not from a major craze fan or critic?

Is it possible for us to build a space colony the size of a small city that orbits the earth?

Or is it just not possible and will never happen? I can imagine this place becoming a new congregation for scientists of leading nations conducting highly classified research, other military experiments, and eventually open to the public as means of tourism to help sustain it. Is this simply a pie-in-the-sky fantasy or will it be a possibility in the near or distant future?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why do people hate on women preachers?

They use the Corinthian verse but apparently they skip the verse Acts 2:17-21, "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy." a href="…" rel="nofollow"…/a shows an undeniable proof that we are in the last days and that is why women preachers are here today. Joyce Meyer is better than most male preachers.

I m I a criminal if I stopped stealing ?

if you've repented, I don't believe so, and god wouldn't see you as one, in the governments eyes however, that's a different story

Does critical theory have a theory on history?

Critical theory is associated with the works of sociologists such as Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse (the Frankfurt School). Critical theory is often considered as influenced by the tradition of Hegelian marxism (e.g. Gy�rgy Luk�cs and Antonio Gramsci), that it, it is NOT economic deterministic. However, when I read some of the works of the critical theorists, I get the impression that they consider ideas as MORE important than the economy. My question, therefore, is: Does critical theory have a theory on history? If so, is it within the tradition of historical materialism? Sometimes when reading critical theory, I get the impression that they do NOT consider ideas as solely a "superstructure", but in fact as "the driving force in history". If this is correct, would not this mean that they are hegelians rather than hegelian marxists.

If a pastor preaches a message that the majority of the church thinks is wrong, does the church have . . .?

If a pastor preaches a message that the majority of the church thinks is wrong, does the church have the obligation to publicly question the preacher?

How do i know if i have sky multiroom?

Okay so how do i know if i have sky multiroom and i want to know because i want to use the sky thing on xbox 360

Guys: redish brown hair, sky blue eyes, sorta tan, and freckles,, hawwt or nawwt?

Jw. I get made fun of a ton for being a red head. They call me fire crotch and all kinds of dumb names && It's reallllly getting annoying. So do you like reddish brown hair or no?? And I don't have a temper & everyone says I'm soo nice and not anything like they excpected. sooo ? What do you think? Hawt or nawt ??(:

Why does it seem like every conservative is a conspiracy theorist?

Anyone that goes against the grain is considered a conspiracy theorist nowadays. Its just another way for simple minded people to but a label on a group of people that they dont agree with.

Why is the eye of horus considered a satanic symbol?

People don't like other religions. It's like the pentagram became satanic because the Christian church was trying to convert people away from paganism. It's for this reason that the trident (commonly associated with the Greek God Poseidon) is associated with the devil in Christianity.

Is it ok to lie to my mom in this situation?

Yaa....Its a wise decision to keep it away from your parents.This would bother them much.They care so much for you.Please avoid all such things again.Dnt let you come across such things again.

What Should I get Sky Sports 1 or 2?

it will be mostly SS1 but at time SS2 because SS1 will show the football scores, SS2 will most likely show the champions league games, which is hard to call in your position

What was larry flynt's reason reason for going after preachers and why did he stop?

He wanted to push his filth, and Jerry Falwell was his target...........but hey he is in a wheel chair now, or he has passed, no clue, don't care........................

Will American Muslims eventually behave like European Muslims if we offend Islam?

Muslims in the US are only 0.6% of the population. If they all started acting like that, they would soon all be in prison or executed.

Fellow atheists who do you caused 9/11?

I personally think the united states did. Please don't be rude if you think I'm wrong about 9/11. I respect non conspiracy theorists.

Maybe BIGGEST truth of Illuminati?

I believe I have found the most important truth or secrete so called organization called "Illuminati"... They have a definition in the dictionary that is "Illuminated" the definition is secretly put in their "favorite number" six letters to define them starting from Inflict to Influenza, it's hard to believe i know because it doesn't make you want to but believe or trust me... It is making me sound like a conspiracy theorist but lol i'm not. Anyway to get me to the point I think they are trying to maker the female stars make females to lesbians to control the human population because like the Katy Perry song I Kissed a Girl wtf who makes a song like that and big stars like 50 cent make songs like killing people and drugs and alcohol stuff that makes you die early that influences the stars... and other stuff they make to control the human population I don't know why they try to take control of the humans but anyway what do you guys think?

Is it bad that everything outside looks orange?

Looking outside, it appears that everything seems to have an orange tint to it. I've heard that orange skies can mean bad weather. However, a rather big storm just went through the area, and the doppler radar shows another storm quite south of us. It is currently 9:30pm in northern Indiana. Is there a reason that this is going on?

In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky why does my fourth party Pokemon stop following me?

The setting his for tactics is on "Follow Me" and when I walk right next to him, or use a roll call orb, he still won't follow me (just stands there.) Is this some sort of glitch? It's really annoying, because I have to send him back to the guild all the time.

How do you publish a book?

go to a book store and look for books similar to yours. their publishers will be written inside, and you can approach them. thanks to technolodgy and costs coming down you can print a few copies yourself and send them to newspaper reviewers

How much to give for a wedding gift?

How much should I give to a couple who are getting married at her sisters house. No church, no fancy reception. A preacher who got her permit on line.Nice house tho & I'm sure the food will come catered from somewhere but nothing cheap or nasty.

Is this hypomania(need advice)?

Hi there. Hope you are well today. I am 24 years old and for over a week now i have been feeling different to my normal self. I can only describe it as being high and elated.I am extremely irritable and I feel so euphoric and ontop of the world and invincible.My thoughts are racing uncontrollably. I have boundless amounts of energy. I haven't slept in days.My speech is very fast and pressured. I have all these ideas flooding through my mind. I feel very productive and creative.My confidence is sky high.I feel like a rich and famous movie star and i have been spending money with unusual extravangance. My family is starting to get worried about me. I see my psychiatrist on Monday and i am going to show her what i have wrote here. Is this hypomania?Thanks

Is my puppy going to go to Hell?

I was a church a the preacher said only people who have all there sins forgin will go to heaven, NO Animals. Well thats just with me because if heavan has no room for dogs or other Animals that have been better to me than anyone else in my life ill be by its side wherever it goes if there is anywhere else wich i doubt. Stardust forever

Do you like the opening to my story?

I looked up into the serene night sky, the moon shining down at me in all her beauty with the stars dancing and twinkling along with her. Her big, white, light created a beautiful sight. The moon was the only beautiful thing in this city. Pollution filled the air. It smelled of garbage, gasoline, and fast food. Horns honked, sirens blared, people yelled, bottles crashed, and stray dogs barked. Snobby women wearing jewels and fancy clothing walked up and down the streets. Men laughed and shouted, crashing bottles and drinking. Others stood and puffed on cigars or cigarettes. Even my own apartment room isn’t peaceful. Mom’s always crying or yelling. Dad’s always shouting or drinking. The night air was cool, and I shivered. The moon smiled like a mother I never had, sheltering me and protecting me. The silver moonlight shining down on me was her dress, and I was the little child tugging on it, asking for things I knew she would give me.

Polls & Surveys : Do you think the general population of religious preachers are more morally . . .?

Do you think the general population of religious preachers are more morally upstanding than the general population of atheists?

How badly is my life ruined?

Does not sound like a ruined life to me,as a matter of fact you sound like a very intelligent individual, that has a lot more learning under his belt then most,and more then you even seem to realize. Do remember to count your blessings,you will not only begin to feel better you will realize that you are alot smarter then you have given yourself credit for. Your one track mind when it comes to sex needs to be dealt with as I am sure realize that is the problem within your relationship,as you don't build one,and more then likely make the person feel that's all you are after. When the right person comes along all will flow naturally and just how it is suppose to,realize there are many facets in a relationship,and the longer you continue to dwell in the negativity will be the harder it is,to change things. I am sure you are getting treatment for the condition you spoke of that you have,just continue to do that,and continue on as you are to enjoy and come to be what you hope for,the big the hurdle in life,and for some it just is that way,the more prouder of yourself you will be.

Friday, August 5, 2011

HELP. PLS, Is my dad cheating on my mom??!!! Signs of cheating!!?

I would have a family meeting. Maybe you should suggest family counseling to your parents. If you've never had a family meeting tell them it's time you had one. Tell both of them your concerns and it is important your parents are intimate even though it's gross and they might feel like it's none of your business. You could go excercising with your mom or tell her to excercise or not let her eat bad crap. Tell her she's fat. Straight up. Tell her she needs to do something about it because you love her and you're worried about her. Maybe she needs to kick your dad out if he is cheating. He needs to know what he's doing is bad. Remind him he'll go to hell for adultry. He needs to work it out with your mom. If not he can get out and live with the chick he's sleeping with. best wishes

What to do when a bird falls out of the sky?

A bird fell out of the sky and landed in my back garden, and it started trying to fly a bit, and moved around, but couldn't get off the ground, and now it's just settled in a corner, and it's still alive because it's moving it's head, but other than that it's staying still and doesn't seem to be able to move. What should I do now? I don't want it to die.

Is everything made up of consciousness?

you cant test it if you are "rat", if you know what I mean..rats may be testing it though. I dont mean to disrespect rats. since Douglas Adams is one of my favourite as well with rats..

When will the salvation of God ends? and Does the Lord still continue to create?

no trolling. I am wondering if anyone of you can answer this question. MCGI members please do not answer I know that you already know this question. We will just see if other preachers or pastor can answer this type of questions and qualifies to be a Man of God. Thank you.

Does it ever get hot along Lake Superior in Minnesota?

I know that inland areas of Northern Minnesota get hot a few times a year - and they average in the upper 70's for highs in July, but I was wondering if it ever gets hot in Grand Marias or Sky Harbor? For example, on July 1, DULUTH INTERNATIONAL hit 91 degrees, while at the same time, Grand Marias and Duluth Sky Harbor remained only at 51 degrees! 40 degrees colder! I was wondering if coastal areas such as these ever get hot? Is the weather of Duluth more representative of the international airport or Sky Harbor? I could not believe how cold it was on July 1st of this year in those areas. If anyone lives in Duluth and remembers July 1st, was it more like 90 degrees outside or was it in the 50's?

Is artillery shells illegal in oregon?

my neighbor gave us alot of artillery shells that shoots to the sky. i was just wondering if its illegal to use it in oregon.

Was Harold Campings Stroke Punishment From God?

"For many observers, the stroke – while tragic – seemed like a divine act to punish the radio preacher for his false predictions or at the very least warn him not to do it again. It was too coincidental, many observers said on Twitter and Facebook, that it was Camping’s speech that was affected." ~

Conspiracy theorist: Have you ever wonder why we need so many boxes just to change the channel?

It just dawned on me why we need so many cable boxes that are oversize just to change the channel. Technology is making everything smaller so I wonder why they are making it all so complex

Sky Anytime Plus help?

I recently set up my Sky HD box to receive anytime plus and there was a veritable banquet of movies and tv shows to see. Now, for some reason, I go on and there is only a handful of shows in each category including the films (of which there used to be hundreds). Have they reduced the package or do I need to resent the box?

Christians, when having counseling with a preacher, how can you not see them as a fortune teller?

In everything we do, a little bit of faith is needed ; sure there are some reasonable facts which help us gain enough confidence to make our moves but if you think it through, our whole life, whether as a believer or not, our whole life is a walk of faith. what differs is what we put our faith in ; atheists trust their intellect, those consulting fortune tellers try to sneak favors out of satan and believers entrust themselves to God but everybody walks by faith... Are preachers perfectly transparent so that it is always God speaking through them ? of course not ; they should be, but nobody's perfect ; so now you say that God is never in the picture ; well I suppose, if someone firmly believes that God does not exist why would they believe that a non-existent God could work through preachers ?...

What do you think of this little nature poem?

Reads nice! Reads very nice. Bravo. S4 reminds me of ancient tragedy. S2 Clouds lower. Good! S5 Darkness and density of water make a continuum. I am impressed friend.

Why aren't we talking about what will happen when everything is automated?

In order to maximize profits we have to automate. This will no doubt lead to massive amounts of unemployment with too little taxpayers to shoulder the burden of welfare for those that cannot work. Our underemployment/unemployment numbers are around 30% already. As we continue to automate this figure will get higher. Why do we never hear about this in media or politics? The "conspiracy theorists" wont even touch this one probably because it isn't a matter of conspiracy. It's just what's happening. So what's up? Why aren't we talking about this? How high will unemployment and poverty have to get before we start talking about this? 40% under/unemployment? 50%? 60%?

As someone who simply dislikes Obama, how can I distance myself from the lunatic fringe who also does?

Then argue the issues that are important too, and make it clear you don't buy into all the conspiracy freak BS.

Do you think Alexis off the OC Housewives is really fake?

I can't stand Alexis she's the worst. Nothing she says makes sense, using the I'm Christian thing the way she does is annoying, if you really live a christian life you don't need to constantly say it and then flip/flop on your answers. if that's what you believe that's fine but stick to it, own it don't change your mind and answer a million times

Strange Weather in Las Vegas?

What your seeing is likely ash that is being produced by forest fires. This is clearly visible on the following loop: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why christian preacher has higher moral than atheist?

Atheists are more ethical and moral than Christians. The prison population has very few atheists, but tons of Jesus freaks. Explain that one...

Atheists: How do you feel about this Illuminati stuff?

The global oligarchy exists. The "satanic" angle is purely esoteric and ceremonial, like an atheist "celebrating" christmas.

I need a theorist or theory that supports the prevention, protection of medical practitioners in the hospital.?

any theorist or theory that deals with the prevention of transmission of nosocomial infections or hospital acquired diseases.i need this for my thesis.thanks!

How can i fix my life and be happy?

Go talk to a psychiatrist. People on this site are idiots who want to collect points, they are not qualified in giving you life advice. They're on Yahoo Answers for godssake, obviously their lives aren't so great either.

Why does this keep happening in my dreams?

Well with ESP u most likely have favorite sceneries to dream in but dreaming locations need time to reboot to recharge they can't do this in day time unless you sleep in the daytime so they must do it at night well your sceneries are charging ur mind has to offer u new dreaming sceneries so just roll with it and go to sleep another thing is that dreams are controlled from the back of the brain so if u have always controlled ur dreams then some of the brain is also charging so some of that stuff has to come out in the dreaming cycle

Do You Think The "War On Terror" is Something Else Entirely?

And I'm not talking about oil... so please don't mention it. What I mean is, President Obama was SO anti-war when he began his presidency, and then once he gets into office, he's all about the war efforts, even dispatching 33,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan last year... It's almost like he got into office and was shown some reality that the public doesn't know about! Do you think is about something else entirely, maybe something that isn't being made known to the American public? I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist... but it's strange, no?

In the recent Japanese natural disaster, how much has the island been moved?

I thought I heard a sunday morning preacher say it was 1/8 of a mile, but you know how preachers exaggerate the truth and downright lie to make a point.

Why do conspiracy theorists think the government could lie about something as horrible as 911?

I think one person in government could lie about being gay or something like that, but I don't think any section of government could be so evil as to lie about 911 or the JFK assassination. However, I don't know if the New World Order is real or not because I can't remember if it was on the news or not.

Is it true that preacher often use modern brainwash technique ?

Wow you struck the nail on the head there kid, That's exactly what they are doing. They want to brainwash you. While your at it look at this website and see what else they have been up to

Good animes to watch?

did u watch nurarihyon? second season coming soon. steins; gate is oso good, the plot is good, theres alot of twist in it and i would say u would nid to think abit while watching to know what is happening

Jehovah witness can you tell me why?

We teach / preach the same gospel Jesus did. The theme of his preaching was God's Kingdom, and how it is the ONLY real solution to mankind's problems. Yes, we talk about war, crime, injustice, etc., but in the context that it fulfills the signs of the last days, that Jesus taught about, and that the end of this system is very close. We preach the same thing Jesus did. If you preach anything different, YOU preach a different and corrupt gospel.

Am I overtraining.............?

No it's not overtraining, but you must remember to put cardio in somewhere, unless you just want mass and don't care about your welfare.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

For Christians: is there another alternative to reading the Bible?

Dont take me wrong i really want to read the bible but its so big and i hate reading and im slow at it. I attend Christian school and have Bible classes, can that be enough? Can i watch a movie or listen to a preacher? I also ask on yahoo answers, and that helps me a lot.

How do you incorporate CGI in a real time movie?

I'm working on a film project and I wanna do like what the Wachowski brothers did in the Matrix. Or like in Sky Captain and the world of tomorrow. My film will have real people in it but I want to use CGI for some backgrounds and FX. How would I dod this. Thanks in advance! I'm not looking at prices right now. I'm sure I'll be able to get anything I need.

Which accessories should I wear with this?

I'm going to an amusement park with white shorts and a sky blue scoop neck shirt. Any ideas for accessories or shoes? Thanks!

Do most conspiracy theorists actually suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder?

I am sorry if I don't believe everything that I am told. I feel sorry for you if you do. The gov't loves people like you who never question as the rake in millions from lobbyists and their friends on Wall Street. I have studied history and if you would do the same you would know that lies are just part of the elite to rule the world.

Please Help Me! Is the world ending right now? There is a loud banging and grumbling sound in the sky!?

I'm so scared! Outside my house, there is this loud banging and popping sound and grumbling coming from up in the sky! It's been going on for about 45 minutes now! At first I thought it was gun shots and then I got courage and I looked outside and got a slight glimpse and I saw this this red colorful stuff floating up in the air. Then it just blew up and it looked like fire and I thought it was coming towards me so I freaked out and closed the window and ran down stairs to the basement. I'm so scared, I'm still down in the basement right now crying and I'm scared to come up! Please help!!!

Please Help Me! Is the world ending right now? There is a loud banging and grumbling sound in the sky!?

I'm so scared! Outside my house, there is this loud banging and popping sound and grumbling coming from up in the sky! It's been going on for about 45 minutes now! At first I thought it was gun shots and then I got courage and I looked outside and got a slight glimpse and I saw this this red colorful stuff floating up in the air. Then it just blew up and it looked like fire and I thought it was coming towards me so I freaked out and closed the window and ran down stairs to the basement. I'm so scared, I'm still down in the basement right now crying and I'm scared to come up! Please help!!!

Vaio Laptop wont connect wirelessly to sky modem?

How do I get my laptop settings to match my sky sagem com modem it just wont work ! it connects but then says limited activity

Where can i get the exploding fireworks the go in the sky?

i live in conneticut in new britain idk where can i get fireworks because july 4th is tomarrow i need them

Roller coaster with lap band?

Hi, I had my lap band surgery Febuary 4th 2011, Im going to carowins july 4th 2011. Is it safe for me to ride the roller coasters? It has been 20 weeks, so im guessing is okay, but does it feel any different with the lap band? Does it hurt? Will the rough ones that sling you around and jult you a lot be dangerous? My doctor said after 6-8 weeks I could do anything, he said I could even go sky diving. I was just wanting some personal experiences.. Thanks.

Do churches keep statistics on which scare tactics work best, like burning in Hell, eternal punishment, excom-?

munication, banishment from Sunday school, being singled out by the preacher for a particular kind of sin, being shamed into puting more money in the plate? Which tactics get more people to turn Christian, and which tactics turn people off?

Help me understand illumninati and conspiracy theorists please?

It's blatantly obvious that all successful people are successful only because they've sold their soul to the Devil. Hard work, persistence, and daring to go for it, regardless, blatantly don't play a part."hacking cough"

This weekend i have stuff on my sky i don't pay for?

I noticed yesterday that we were able to watch all the movie channels, when we only pay for a few of them. Today i noticed that we have sky anytime. We haven't asked for any of this, at first i thought that they were giving everyone the movies for the weekend because the boxing was on and it was making the box office phone lines busy. Has anyone else noticed anything?

Contact of some theoretical physicist?

I've been "developing" (my development doesn't include math because I'm bad at it) one theory about quantum physic that (at least to me) explains a lot of so far unexplained things. If anyone knows some page where I could post a few pages of text of my theory and that theoretical physicist (preferably string theorist) tells me his opinion about it, I would be grateful.

Orange sky under dark grey storm clouds. What does it mean I need to know ASAP.?

I live in Southwestern Ontario, sometimes we have tornadoes. I have seen greenish tinge to the sky but never orange. Respond soon please.

Do prosperity preachers make promises that God does not?

Sometimes. They normally keep focus on the promises of health and wealth. Essentially, they are telling the masses what they want to hear, just like politicians and used car salesmen.

Do you think the general population of religious preachers are more morally upstanding than the general . . .?

Do you think the general population of religious preachers are more morally upstanding than the general population of atheists?

Does the Bible God condone killing babies, girls, boys, women, and men?

In the old testament people thought God was a punishing God, but then in the new testament Jesus arrived and said that that was not true... So yes God is some loving (caring) person in the sky

Which name do you like the best?

Love the name Sapphire. I will also be naming my little girl that in honor of my mom who was born in September. Out of all of them I like Sapphire Blue and Sky the best.

Question on virtue ethics?

depends on who the virtue theorist is. Everyone has varying views so..... yeah (there once was a man. He had a duck, the duck talked to him all the time. He found he loved the duck, however the duck was killed. He killed his ducks murderer.... is that wrong?)

I am afraid to look up at the sky?

Well there must be a reason behind it. Did something happen to you when you were young the included the sky??? My opinion is you face your fear and see if that helps. When I was young I was terrified of dogs because I was bitten by one when I was very young. I use to run away from them. Once I faced my fear and got close to one I realized that the dog that bit me was one dog out of many. Now I'm not terrified of them, I'm still a bit tense but I don't scream and run from them lol ( sry bout the spelling I'm on my iPod)

Why did Obama dump Osama's body in the ocean? Is he lying?

I don't believe anything Obama tells us since he lied so we could vote for him. Although I am not a republican I plan to vote for a republican just because Obama doesn't deserve my vote.

I dont know what to do anymore...?

You know what?? I didnt even read half of that because it was so boring.... just try to get some friends!!

The destruction of the elite (illuminatti)?

Lets say the story goes like this. Theres another bilderberg (illuminatti) group meeting in on the way. As we all know, the elite of the elite are only invited. These being the people, reptillians, or antichrists (depending on which conspiracy maniac is reading this) who control the world, and are aiming for full world domination by depopulating the planet from now 7billion people to 500million people to make us easier to control under a one world government state. Supposedly they have us brainwashed through media (who by the way aren't invited to these meetings). They slowly kill us with chem trails, additives, and preservitives in our food, over flouridation of our water, wars, and a whole **** load of other stuff i know nothing about, but am sure is going on. Alegedly they're also getting prepared to "fake a rapture" in the near future. Theorists claim the group consists of members of secret societies bent on literaly taking over the world. My question is: WHAT IF a secret society in the interest of preventing this all from happening gains information from inside resources, and finds out when, and where the next meeting will occur, and they plan, to carry out a way to overthrow, and destroy this group (bilderbergs, rothchilds, all the elitists). They miraculously infiltrate the "STEEL WALL SECURITY" and find a way to get close to this group, and place explosives in the meeting room, or a suicide bomber. Whatever, and the explosives/person (depending how sick you are) were detonated, and all the elitists were killed, what would happen to the world? What events do you think would unfold? What would happen to the people who carried this out? Remember. These were the people who ran the world. How differently would the planet operate without them, and their schemes anymore?

My Chiwawah puppy (4months) ate an Oreo what shold be done?

When in doubt take your Chihuahua directly to a veterinarian. Chocolate and puppies and kittens don't mix.

Poll: Do you think the British Monarchy should be done away with?

I also have severe insomnia. I'm not sure about this, I think it's british tradition but then again it is the 21st century...

Can I purchase a Sky Box Office sport event and change channel then return to it later?

We have just purchased a sky box office sports event which has began, however the actual main event does not begin for a couple of hours. Would I be able to watch other channels and return to the event at a later time or do I have to remain on the sky box office channel for the duration of the event from start to finish?

Will the fight be repeated in the uk?

As it was broadcast on pay per view it is unlikely to be shown free on any channel. Unfortunately that is one of the down sides to cable/Satellite television.

Didn't George W Bush actually start all this government take over stuff?

i think there is still enough people that know gw bush was the biggest failure in history and president obama will have enough votes to win re election but if romney was to win he would even be better than bush BUSH WAS A DISASTER PERIOD

How do I critically discuss a debate?

Use logic... Two males/females who believe in God and love each other cannot marry. Yet two people of the opposite sex can marry even though they don't believe in God...

Ways to improve internet?

It's getting to me now that our internet is incredibly bad. We're on Sky Broadband. I can't game due to lag everywhere I can't watch things online and it's really starting to get to me. Is there ANYTHING I can do to improve our internet

Can someone please answer a serious question about the Osama videos shown by Government for the last 10 years?

You’re only saying what the rest of the world believes. For the rest of us, US isolationism is good.

Would you be willing to let a portion of your tax money go to...?

Giving free psychological treatment to liberals and conspiracy theorists, so we don't have to be annoyed by their lack of proper mental functionality?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I need to find out what song was sampled the this beat?

i herd some one sample a song into a hip hop beat and it had lyrics on it that go like this "lets light up the sky like electric raindrops, let the night fall but dont let the rain stop" it also had that song he sampled beat on it. it was on this page beat number 3 "electric raindrops" what im looking for is the song he sampled

Do you think U.S. border policies toward Mexico are racist?

It's because Canada is a clean, safe country. there aren't any Canadians smuggling guns into the US. Canada is just overall a better country.

Is this hypomania or mania?

Hi there. Hope you are well today. I am 24 years old and have been seeing a psychiatrist for the past 3 years for depression.However for over a week now i have been feeling different to my normal self. I can only describe it as being high and elated.I am extremely irritable and I feel so euphoric and ontop of the world and invincible.My thoughts are racing uncontrollably. I have boundless amounts of energy. I haven't slept in days.My speech is very fast and pressured. I have all these ideas flooding through my mind. I feel very productive and creative.My confidence is sky high.I feel like a rich and famous movie star and i have been spending money with unusual extravangance. My family is starting to get worried about me. I see my psychiatrist on Monday and i am going to show her what i have wrote here. Is this mania or hypomania?Thanks

How does the profession of Pastor rate in a scale from doctor/scientist down to realtor/car salesman?

Pastors are those preachers get their qualifications online for $30, who rent school halls on Sundays and get a band to play happy clappy music, then fleece the audience with "healing" speaking in tongues before raking in the loot.

What is choreographed stage dance that uses ribbons like in the Maypole?

i did the may pole dance when i was little and pretty much all we did was padebasks and weaved around each other

My wife was raped 3 years ago. before i evr met her?

Personally I think you should try and convince her to go to the police. I had this happen to me as a child and kept it a secret for many years as it slowly destroyed me. It came out eventually and seeing him pay for what he has done helped a lot. Though it will not take away the pain it will help comfort her. Do not take it personally if she is not telling you all the details, her telling you in its self is a huge step for her. These things will always be there and it is not going to be easy. You being there for her and keep doing what you are doing is helping her even if you do not realize it. I know its hard but do not push her to hard otherwise it may cause more harm then good. It will get better in time I wish you the best of luck and she is very lucky to have some one who cares so much. God bless.

Soo mission trips? Only 16.?

Australia is a largely Christian continent. There's not really a lot of point going over there. That's like going over to England to preach about the Anglican church.

Where can I get Tori's purple sweatshirt from the Victorious episode "Wifi In the sky"?

She's the one on the left in purple in this picture. you might not be able to see it, but there is a zipper on the left shoulder. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Alex Jones: Said the US Military are Friends with Terrorist?

State terrorism by major powers has been going on since Roman times and will probably continue to until the end of time. Don't feel so upset about someone like Jones telling the facts. Be upset that it goes on and that we're paying for it in every sense of the word.

Question about the effects of warp drive on the space that lies on the path of space being warped?

Say an alien spacecraft wants to travel from point A to B and earth lies directly in it's path. That means that the spacecraft would have to warp it's way through Earth to reach point B. So, when earth is being warped, would we experience any changes to our surroundings? changes on how we experience space and time? would our surroundings look distorted or something like that? Would the position of the stars in the night sky look somehow distorted or out of place perhaps? Could we even die from this? haha


I've looked it up on google and still have NO clue what it is.... and what does it have to do with Conspiracy Theorists and what are those too? Hah. Thanks. :)

Why do a lot of Christian TV preachers sound like motivational speakers?

Probably because many of them are motivational speakers who preach a self-help gospel or prosperity gospel message. It's a bit of a contrast between the message of the Bible. Jesus tells us to expect persecution. Sometimes we experience suffering and hardships and this is not always the result of our own actions, think about Job. Having a lot of money doesn't mean that someone has a right relationship with God. In the Bible, there were Christians who had more and Christians who had less. The ones who had more, were expected to be good stewards of their money - to have enough to take care of their family and also have some money to contribute to the welfare of other Christian brothers and sisters, who were experiencing a time of need. Some people have no desire to work and want to be mooches. God tells us the ones who don't work will not eat. Sometimes seasons will happen in our lives when we the rain seems to pour down quite hard on us and that's when it is a great blessing to have the support from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. God will not always give us everything we want. John the baptist was feeling a little resentful, because he thought Jesus would keep him from getting killed. Jesus said to John, blessed is he who is not offended in Me. God will do things according to His will. We can certainly present our requests before Him, but we must also know that it is not us who steers the ship.

Remember when Democrats questioned Bush Jr for everything he did?

I know most democrats don't question democrats and I know most republicans don't question republicans so you get independent voters and people who wouldn't vote for any of the three.I remember every democrat saying Bush Jr is responsible for 9/11 and now those very same democrats say it's al Bin Laden fault when every single democrat I came across once told me Bin Laden was made up by Bush Jr.It amuses me to see every democrat who said they voted for Obama because they specifically told me Obama would end the war in 6 months and make America prosperous again.Now these same democrats are asking Obama to continue the war and these democrats who once protested the patriot act accept it now because Obama passed it and these democrats accept Bush Jr extended tax cuts because Obama passed it but when bush Jr passed those same things Obama has passed democrats cry foul play.Democrats?What happen to the whole protesting Guantanamo that you protested Bush Jr for and why don't you democrats protest the war anymore.Democrats now like this war and the democrats who said Bush Jr responsible now say Bin Laden is responsible.I see a transition because republicans who once waved their flags for this war now protest the war and the democrats who once protested this war now wave their flags for this war.I also know that when republicans independents and people who don't like all three question Obama for anything their called conspiracy theorist.I remember when everyone could question anything their government and president did without be called a nut job but if you question Obama watch out non republicans because democrats will accuse you of being republican and hateful when they themselves questioned everything Bush Jr did.The smart will always question everything the president does.

Why are 9/11 conspiracy theorists looked upon as loons?

Why do people call those people that think the government did 9/11 crazy when governments have done things like that all the time throughout history to gain more power?

Why do people, without any real knowledge of an event, arbitrarily dismiss all conspiracy theorists?

Because most people are like Sheep, or Lemmings, they just go along and believe whatever lies the Govt. bought and run media wants them to believe, no one opens their mind and studies the real evidence around them

How to find faith if you really never had it?

Since I was younger, I never really had faith in religion, because I felt like everything was a lie and a hustle. When I go to church with my grandma, her preacher would pass around envelopes asking people for thousands of dollars, and she would feel because she couldn't give the church thousands of dollars. The preacher use to tell people if they did not pay their Tye's they would go to hell. And every other church I have been too after that, has just seemed crooked to me. That's why I never believed in religion. Period. I really did not believe in it because every single person I went to church with sinned almost daily. It was like they do whatever they want throughout the week, then ask for forgiveness on sundays. So to me religion was just a joke. I am not an atheist, but I guess I am agnostic. I kind of believe that I gave up religion without giving it a chance. But don't get me wrong, I've TRIED to believe in it. It just couldn't make myself do it. It just seemed like pure BS to me. I would rather read facts found by science than believe things in the bible. I guess I believe that every religion is based off of a fairytale and myths; it just became the best selling book ever. So how do I give religion a try, if I have troubles believing? I am open to any feedback.