Thursday, August 4, 2011

The destruction of the elite (illuminatti)?

Lets say the story goes like this. Theres another bilderberg (illuminatti) group meeting in on the way. As we all know, the elite of the elite are only invited. These being the people, reptillians, or antichrists (depending on which conspiracy maniac is reading this) who control the world, and are aiming for full world domination by depopulating the planet from now 7billion people to 500million people to make us easier to control under a one world government state. Supposedly they have us brainwashed through media (who by the way aren't invited to these meetings). They slowly kill us with chem trails, additives, and preservitives in our food, over flouridation of our water, wars, and a whole **** load of other stuff i know nothing about, but am sure is going on. Alegedly they're also getting prepared to "fake a rapture" in the near future. Theorists claim the group consists of members of secret societies bent on literaly taking over the world. My question is: WHAT IF a secret society in the interest of preventing this all from happening gains information from inside resources, and finds out when, and where the next meeting will occur, and they plan, to carry out a way to overthrow, and destroy this group (bilderbergs, rothchilds, all the elitists). They miraculously infiltrate the "STEEL WALL SECURITY" and find a way to get close to this group, and place explosives in the meeting room, or a suicide bomber. Whatever, and the explosives/person (depending how sick you are) were detonated, and all the elitists were killed, what would happen to the world? What events do you think would unfold? What would happen to the people who carried this out? Remember. These were the people who ran the world. How differently would the planet operate without them, and their schemes anymore?

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