Friday, August 12, 2011

Can a metaphorical theist become freemasons?

I dont want answers from conspiracy theorists telling me not to join freemasonry because its the illuminati brain washing me or hear sermons from Christians telling me that they are devil worshipers. you people really should study freemasonry before you spread ur ignorant prejudice judgements on the internet. I believe in God as a metaphore of love truth justice wisdom and other virtues. I worship and pray to a God but I beleive he only exists in my mind as subjectively real but not objectively. one of my spiritual practices involve visualizing this Deity merging with me and distributing his qualities inside me so that I may project them in the world and in my community. I beleive the universe or multiverse was generated by a cosmic organism we live inside if I call this organism God than I guess I would be a panendeist I also believe in a higher power but I do not know whether he or she or it is a being a substance a supernatural dimension or a divine essence or nature but I believe it exists I believe in karma reincarnation and the moral truths of all the holy scriptures of each religion and I practice buddhism. can I become a mason based on what I believe in. if u are not a mason or dont know any masons or what masonry is or if you are an anti-mason conspiracy theorist or christian fundamrntalist please dont answer me I want to hear from people that can actually answer my question not your bias opinions

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