Saturday, August 6, 2011

Do you like the opening to my story?

I looked up into the serene night sky, the moon shining down at me in all her beauty with the stars dancing and twinkling along with her. Her big, white, light created a beautiful sight. The moon was the only beautiful thing in this city. Pollution filled the air. It smelled of garbage, gasoline, and fast food. Horns honked, sirens blared, people yelled, bottles crashed, and stray dogs barked. Snobby women wearing jewels and fancy clothing walked up and down the streets. Men laughed and shouted, crashing bottles and drinking. Others stood and puffed on cigars or cigarettes. Even my own apartment room isn’t peaceful. Mom’s always crying or yelling. Dad’s always shouting or drinking. The night air was cool, and I shivered. The moon smiled like a mother I never had, sheltering me and protecting me. The silver moonlight shining down on me was her dress, and I was the little child tugging on it, asking for things I knew she would give me.

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