Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Remember when Democrats questioned Bush Jr for everything he did?

I know most democrats don't question democrats and I know most republicans don't question republicans so you get independent voters and people who wouldn't vote for any of the three.I remember every democrat saying Bush Jr is responsible for 9/11 and now those very same democrats say it's al Bin Laden fault when every single democrat I came across once told me Bin Laden was made up by Bush Jr.It amuses me to see every democrat who said they voted for Obama because they specifically told me Obama would end the war in 6 months and make America prosperous again.Now these same democrats are asking Obama to continue the war and these democrats who once protested the patriot act accept it now because Obama passed it and these democrats accept Bush Jr extended tax cuts because Obama passed it but when bush Jr passed those same things Obama has passed democrats cry foul play.Democrats?What happen to the whole protesting Guantanamo that you protested Bush Jr for and why don't you democrats protest the war anymore.Democrats now like this war and the democrats who said Bush Jr responsible now say Bin Laden is responsible.I see a transition because republicans who once waved their flags for this war now protest the war and the democrats who once protested this war now wave their flags for this war.I also know that when republicans independents and people who don't like all three question Obama for anything their called conspiracy theorist.I remember when everyone could question anything their government and president did without be called a nut job but if you question Obama watch out non republicans because democrats will accuse you of being republican and hateful when they themselves questioned everything Bush Jr did.The smart will always question everything the president does.

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