Sunday, August 7, 2011

U.F.O.s over Jeruselem? or were they a cruel hoax?

The Jewish Historian Josephus records that when the mighty Roman Legions were besieging Judea, Chariots and flying soldiers were seen in the skies over Judea rushing to and fro. The Romans were unfazed and continued their campaign. Josephus tells us Jerusalem had become a cess pit of corruption and wickedness, Rome was sweeping the floors clean for a fresh beginning. But who or what were the people and objects seen in the skies over Judea? One suggestion is that they were a cruel hoax played on the Jewish people. Just as Jews had been deceived into rejecting Christ, the beings in the sky deceived them into thinking God was sending help against the Juggernaut of Rome. Trying to hold out against Roman power would bring extreme suffering on any people hold up in a Town, (it certainly did), just what the deceivers wanted? We can be be fairly sure these sky people and their chariots were real, they were widely reported (even by Romans, who shrugged them off with typical Roman tenacity of purpose). Who do you think the sky people were?

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