Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is this hypomania(need advice)?

Hi there. Hope you are well today. I am 24 years old and for over a week now i have been feeling different to my normal self. I can only describe it as being high and elated.I am extremely irritable and I feel so euphoric and ontop of the world and invincible.My thoughts are racing uncontrollably. I have boundless amounts of energy. I haven't slept in days.My speech is very fast and pressured. I have all these ideas flooding through my mind. I feel very productive and creative.My confidence is sky high.I feel like a rich and famous movie star and i have been spending money with unusual extravangance. My family is starting to get worried about me. I see my psychiatrist on Monday and i am going to show her what i have wrote here. Is this hypomania?Thanks

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