Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it appropriate for a preacher to say these things.?

.... Ok, in Revelation, it talks about Babylon the Great (World of false religion) has fallen. This Bible prophecy has already happened which is why you and many other people are aware of their teachings. They have become naked and exposed. Things that use to be done in the dark is now coming to the light. The false dotrines, priest molesting young ones, false prophets speaking of the end of the world. All these things Jesus warned us to look out for in the Book of Matthew. Our goal as individuals, is to follow John 17:3 leaning accurate knowledge of the only true God Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ, then John 3:16 exercising our faith by following Jesus footsteps in Matthew 28:18,19 that's help other to come to an accurate understanding of the truth. Not just confusing your life story, there's other times for that but actually helping people to learn about their creator. Jehovah God has set up a beautiful arragement for people to learn about Him and just as the same way Jesus did in his day. That is the door to door ministry. If you see one of Jehovah servant come to your door and you really want to know what the Bible really teach... Just talk to them, you'll be amazed at the comfort, joy and ensurance the Bible has. Do it and see.

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