Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What the hell is a "truth seeker"? a hippie?

its people that think the government is trying to control us because they are reptilians from a planet called nibiru...also u cant be addicted to LSD,its impossible for that to happen...anyways they always start out with alex jones,google him,it starts out simple like for example drug lords paying off the CIA which is true but then it escalades into the CIA trying to control us because they work for a secret conspiracy and it involves the illuminati and the reptilians and all of this bull crap...they claim to think that everything that happens even the new japan earthquake was cause by them...EVERY natural disaster is caused by the reptilians according to the truth seekers,they arent hippies,they will never be hippies,on LSD u would see how these theories are absurd and retarded,i know these guys who LITERALLY think that the reptilians control even rappers and singers and the government...

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