Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Why won't the U.S. Government just put an end to conspiracy theories?

For over a decade now conspiracy theories have become such a nuisance in the United States. Some theories are simply out of reality's realm, but others have caused quite a stir because they make more sense and can be proven as true in more ways than the official story can. There are a few very important theories that can be silenced instantly and everyone can just shove the theories where the sun don't shine with little to no effort by the government simply by fulfilling the effortless requests of the growing number of frustrated, tortured, and paranoid individuals. For instance: I am 100% certain that every American of any age can handle seeing all the videos that were confiscated by the government of flight 77 hitting the pentagon. Why on earth would you allow your own citizens to go on believing that 911 was an inside job when the footage of that crash would put a stop to almost all of their mistrust and growing hatred for their own government! Also, some people have left the country to go to Pakistan to find Bin Laden's body! How dare our government officials allow any of our citizens to be so tortured by something so easily remedied by releasing the pictures of his dead body! I am absolutely certain they can handle looking at them, I know I want to see them as well, so cough them up and stop being such an ignorant group of insubordinate jerk wads, the people have the power, you do as we say or resign! These people are ridiculed for their questions and beliefs yet their government gives them all the reasons to have these thoughts. EASE THE MINDS OF THESE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS OR YOU WILL ONLY FUEL THEIR ANGER! IT'S UNACCEPTABLE! Some people have been psychologically damaged by these events and obviously there is NO reason whatsoever to keep the evidence hidden from the demanding public, unless the theories are true.

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